C (95/301)

From:Darryl Hartwig
Date:30 Aug 99 at 12:19:21
Subject:Re: Creating catalogs for NewMenus

From: Darryl Hartwig <darrylh@powerup.com.au>

Hello Christian

On 30-Aug-99, you wrote:

> From: Christian Hattemer <Chris@heaven.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de>
> On 29-Aug-99 Darryl Hartwig wrote:
>> I'm creating a catalog description for my program. I've set up my menus
>> using NewMenu structure in a .h file. How do I go about setting up the
>> catalog description (.cd) file for this?
> Get Aminet/comm/mail/ML-Support_Src.lha and look at Locale.c and
> Mainwin.c. I'm too lazy to paste everything here now... ;-)

This is to do the menus (that are defined in a .h file, yes?

>> I've managed it for other texts in the .c files.
> BTW: Don't create the locale includes by hand, use FlexCat (also Aminet).
> This saves a lot of work. Aminet/dev/c/Storm_FlexCat.lha contains the .sd
> files I use.

Yes, I'm using FlexCat, and I've modified the .sd files to work for me (I'm
using Dice and the way the source was, it didn't quite compile and work for
